Overview of the Energy Markets

ICE Futures Europe's main business is the global energy markets. This course provides a practical introduction to the markets of: oil, natural gas, electricity, coal and emissions markets. It covers the driving forces behind the current markets and identifies the key factors for future market developments. You will also be introduced to core trading mechanisms and risk management approaches utilised in these markets.

Course Information

Price £1850.0 + VAT
Duration 2 days
Location London
Available Dates
2025-02-27 00:00:00.0  Register Now

Who Should Attend

  • Those with limited knowledge of oil, gas, electricity, coal and emissions markets who require an overview of the factors that affect the industry
  • Dealers in physical and paper markets
  • New entrants to the energy markets
  • Government departments dealing with energy issues
  • IT staff of energy organisations
  • Settlement/administrative/operations people
  • Energy and derivatives publications
  • Individuals working in organisations such as: trading companies, banks, brokers, oil producers, consumers, refiners, distribution companies, government and association organisations.

Booking Information

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7065 7706

Course Content

Development of the markets

  • History
  • Major oil companies
  • Prices


  • Reserves
  • Supply and demand


  • Supply and demand

Transportation and the supply chain

  • Crude and refined products
  • Natural gas

Crude selection and refining

  • Gross product worth
  • Distillation and cracking
  • Drilling
  • Supply and demand
  • Market Evolution

Trading and risk management

  • Spot/Physical
  • Forward
  • Futures and options
  • Swaps
  • CfDs

Oil products

  • Gasoline
  • Kerosene
  • Gas oil and fuel oil


  • Types
  • Upstream/downstream
  • EU directives

Natural Gas

  • Transportation
  • Storage
  • Supply and demand


  • Generation
  • Balancing mechanism
  • Trading


  • Production and consumption trends
  • Trading in coal
  • Enviornmental factors

Emissions Market

  • Evolution and development of the EU ETS
  • Emissions allowances
  • Secondary market trading