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ICE Futures U.S.

US Dollar Index® Options




Market Specifications

Trading Screen Product Name
US Dollar Index Futures
Trading Screen Hub Name
Unit of Trading
One futures contract ($1000 X Index value)
Contract Symbol
US Dollar Index points, calculated to three decimal places .010 = $10
Tick Size
.005 = $5
Contract Series
Four months in the March/June/September/December quarterly cycle and the nearest two calendar months.

For a serial option, the futures contract underlying the option is the next quarterly futures contract
Price Limits
The DX contract has no price limits
Strike Price Increments
Intervals of one half of one U.S. Dollar Index trading point (0.50).
Price Quotation
Price quoted in US Dollar Index points out to 3 decimal places.
Last Trading Day
Two Fridays before the third Wednesday of the expiring contract month
Final Settlement
The US Dollar Index is physically settled on the third Wednesday of the expiration month against six component currencies (euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona and Swiss franc) in their respective percentage weights in the Index. Settlement rates may be quoted to three decimal places.
Additional Information
The U.S. Dollar Index, together with all rights, title and interest in and related to the U.S. Dollar Index, including all content included therein (including, without limitation, it’s formulation, components, values, weightings and methods of calculation), and all related intellectual property and property rights, is the exclusive property of ICE Futures U.S., Inc. The U.S. Dollar Index, it’s formulation, components, weightings, values and methods of calculation have been selected, coordinated, arranged and maintained by ICE Futures U.S., Inc. through the application of methods, know-how, creativity and standards of judgment used and developed through the expenditure of considerable work, time, effort and money, and may be modified by ICE Futures U.S., Inc. from time to time based on this same and/or other criteria, and all rights, title and interest therein are proprietary exclusively to and expressly reserved by ICE Futures U.S., Inc. The designations “U.S. Dollar Index”, “Dollar Index” and “USDX” are trademarks and service marks of ICE Futures U.S., Inc., and they are also the subject of various trademark registrations in countries around the world (“ICE Futures Trademarks”). Any use whatsoever of the U.S. Dollar Index, it’s formulation, components, weightings, values and/or methods of calculation, or of the ICE Futures Trademarks, whether directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of ICE Futures U.S., Inc.
Position Limit
The DX contract has no position limits.
MIC Code
Clearing Venues

Trading Hours

New York8:00 PM - 5:00 PM*
20:00 - 17:00
7:30 PM
London1:00 AM - 10:00 PM*
01:00 - 22:00
12:30 AM
Singapore9:00 AM - 6:00 AM*
09:00 - 06:00
8:30 AM

*Next Day

Market opens at 6:00 pm on Sunday for Monday’s trade date. Pre-open at 5:30 pm Sunday, 7:30 pm Monday through Thursday.


Clearing Admin Name
O-US Dollar Index
Symbol Code