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NEW COURSE: Hydrogen - An Evolving Economy - Classroom

Course Information

Price£1,950.00 + VAT
Duration2 days
Available Dates
April 01, 2025Register Now

Who Should Attend

Anyone who is interested in learning about hydrogen and how its applications can support a decarbonizing world.

Booking Information

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7065 7706

Course Content

Day 1

The Colours of Low Carbon Hydrogen

- Blue Hydrogen

o What it is

o Carbon Capture Usage and Storage (CCUS)

o Supply and Demand

- Green Hydrogen

o Country Strategies

o Subsidies

o Costs electrolyses

o The elephant in the room- renewable volumes

The Hydrogen Economy

- History, current & future status

- Is hydrogen a hype?

- Benefits & deployment of hydrogen

- Role in the Energy Transition & Carbon Pricing

- Regional Demand Centers

o Europe

o Asia (Japan, Korea, China)

o North America

- Global Supply Centers

o Australia

o Middle East & North Africa

o Saudi Arabia

Current and Future (Green) Hydrogen Market

- Deployment and investment

- Hydrogen supply

- Hydrogen distribution and global supply chain

- End applications

- Challenges

- Implementation: bringing it all together

Existing and Emerging Use Cases

- Ammonia

- Petroleum refining

- Fuel cells

- Electricity generation

- Heavy transport

- Industrial heating

- Mining

- Replacement of natural gas for heating

Day 2

Introducing Hydrogen Offtake contracts

- Standardization

- Term, Financing & Bankability

- Tolling vs. Sale and Purchase

o Tolling Model

o SPA Model

- Factors choice Tolling vs. SPA

Volumes & Pricing

- Take-or-pay Model

- Take-and-pay Model

- Pricing Formulas

- Price review provisions

- Liquidated Damages

Key Risks

- Off-taker Credit Risk

- Feedstock supply disruptions

- COD Delay & other timing risks

- Technology Risk

- Force Majeure

- Change in subsidies and tax incentives

Financing Hydrogen Projects

- Project Finance

- End-to-end financing

- Lessons from the LNG and Mining sector

- Green Financing


- Government-imposed standard

- Third-party certifications

- International coordination

- Comparison to green LNG

Hydrogen Trading Hubs

- The business reasons for a hub

- Stages of development of market hubs in oil and gas

o Price and volume discovery, third party excess, OTC & exchange trading, price indexation, etc.

- Hydrogen certification & Guarantees of origin

- Current initiatives & Possible Locations

- Key Characteristics of a successful Hydrogen Hub

- The Way Forward

Closing Q&A and discussion