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Overview of the Agricultural and Soft Commodity Markets -Classroom

Course Information

Price£1,950.00 + VAT
Duration2 days
Available Dates
June 11, 2025Register Now

Who Should Attend

  • Personnel from the commodity market, trading companies and other individuals who wish to gain an understanding of commodity options and their uses
  • Risk management and financial departments of commodity producer and commodity trading companies
  • Commodity supply and distribution companies
  • Major commodity consuming businesses
  • Trading companies, banks, brokers, government, regulators and associated organisations

Booking Information

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7065 7706

Course Content

Day One


- Agricultural Markets in Perspective

o Staple v Luxury

o Agriculture Trading Patterns and Players

o Agriculture's Place in World Markets

Grains and Oils

-Grains and Oils - Corn, Wheat, Rice, Soybean

o Fundamentals - Crop to Table

o Crop Calendars

o Natural Threats

o World Production, Trade and Consumption

Managing Agriculture

-Essential Processes

o Milling

o Waste processing and bi-products

o Co-generation

-Enhancement Techniques

o Crop Rotation

o Genetic Modification


-Agriculture for Energy

o Gasoline and Diesel

o Processes

o Limitations

* EXERCISE - Crop Selection


-Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar

o Fundamentals -Crop to Table

o Crop Calendars

o Natural Threats

o World Production, Trade and Consumption

Evolution of Markets

-Trading Physical Commodities

o Specific v Generic Trading

o Operations

-Characteristics of different markets

o What makes a "good" market

-How markets work and behave

o Arbitrage

-Market Drivers

o Fundamental, Geopolitical, Technicals

Day Two

Other Agricultural Commodities

-Cotton. OJ, Palm Oil

o Fundamentals Crop to consumer

o Crop Calendars

o World Production, Trade and Consumption

Trading Markets

-Exchanges and Contracts

o Calendar structure

o Relationship to physical

o Liquidity

-Related Markets

o Freight

o Weather

Markets Review

-Price Histories

o Key Events

o Forward curve structure

-Related Markets

o Interaction with Energy Markets

-Focus on COVID and Ukraine

Trading & Risk Management

-Characterising and Quantifying Risk

o Long and Short

o Basis vs Outright risk

o Physical v Financial Exposure

-Trading Instruments

o Futures

o Swaps

o Options

-Modelling Financial Risk

o VaR

o Options

o Credit Risk

-Hedging physical positions with different instruments

o Exposure diagrams

* EXERCISE - Exposure Diagrams or Options

Future of Agriculture

-Population Growth

-Key Challenges

o Water

o Climate Change

o Competition for land

-Weather Modification

-Net-Zero 2050