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ICE offers futures and options based on the world's most important international coal hubs, including Rotterdam (Europe), Newcastle (Australia), and Richards Bay (South Africa). As a vital fuel for the power generation industry, coal is a key component to navigate the international energy complex.

Companies can hedge their price exposure and risk using the financially settled futures and options contracts, benefiting from significant capital efficiencies through margin offsets across our coal and the wider energy portfolio and the security of central counterparty clearing.

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coal futures & options

Climate change is one of the biggest global challenges of our time and will require significant changes to every aspect of the energy system, from exploration and production to transport, storage and consumption of energy. The transition to net zero will involve altering the merit order of power production to prioritise primary sources of energy that can be generated with lower or no greenhouse gas emissions.

The contracts below allow climate risk mitigation as it provides price signals for companies to make decisions related to the conservation and cultivation of nature. It allows for companies to properly value natural capital which will be key for a sustainable future.

International Coal

Product Spec

Coal Options

Product Spec

GC Newcastle Coal

Product Spec

Richards Bay Coal

Product Spec

Rotterdam Coal

Product Spec

Coal Options

Product Spec

GC Newcastle Coal

Product Spec

Richards Bay Coal

Product Spec

Rotterdam Coal