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Applicants for ICE Clear Europe membership are required under ICE Clear Europe's Clearing Rules to meet certain membership criteria (detailed in Rule 201(a) and the Membership Procedures) at the time of application and thereafter whilst a Clearing Member. The membership criteria require that all Clearing Members:
Each Clearing Member is obliged to sign a Clearing Member Agreement with the Clearing House which includes provisions pursuant to which the Clearing Rules become contractually binding on both parties. In addition, specific obligations to comply with relevant membership criteria and other membership obligations, to meet margin and Guaranty Fund requirements and to post collateral, are included in the agreement. The Clearing Member is also required to enter into appropriate "give-up" agreements with its customers pursuant to which it becomes party to, and solely liable to the Clearing House in respect of, contracts that it will clear and guarantee on behalf of non-clearing exchange members.
Applications for clearing membership must be made in writing using ICE Clear Europe's standard documentation. Upon receipt of an application, ICE Clear Europe's Membership Team will liaise with the applicant to ensure that the application is complete and will undertake a due diligence exercise. Each application will be considered by the Executive Risk Committee, which has delegated authority from the Board to approve or reject such application with a right of appeal due to the applicant in the event of a rejection.
If you have any queries or require any further information, please e-mail: ICE Clear Europe Membership.
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