ICE endorses the Japanese Financial Services Agency’s (JFSA) Code of Conduct for ESG Evaluation and Data Providers. We support the application and tailoring to the Japanese Financial Markets of IOSCO’s recommendations on ESG data and products. The Code of Conduct will improve transparency and trust in ESG data and ratings used by investors and financial market participants to support their sustainability goals, and uncover opportunities, manage risk, create impact, and meet compliance needs.
Click here to download ICE's Statement of Alignment to the Principles and Guidelines for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers by the Japanese FSA.
金融庁: ESG評価・データ提供機関に係る行動規範
ICE は、金融庁 (JFSA) が公表した「 ESG評価・データ提供機関に係る行動規範」を承認しています。 私たちは、ESG データおよび製品に関する IOSCO(証券監督者国際機構) の推奨事項を日本の金融市場に適用、調整されるようサポートします。行動規範は、透明性、ESG データの信頼性、格付けデータの向上をはかり、持続可能な開発目標、機会の発見、リスク管理、インパクトの生み出し、法令遵守において投資家や金融市場参加者をサポートします。この行動規範に関する追加情報はWebsite上でご覧いただけます。
The ESG Data and Ratings Working Group (“DRWG”) established by the International Capital Markets Association (“ICMA”) and the International Regulatory Strategy Group (“IRSG”) published the Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings and Data Products Providers (“Code of Conduct”) in December 2023. The Code of Conduct is aligned with the recommendations of the Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (“IOSCO”) set forth in its Final Report for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Ratings and Data Products Providers published in 2021. The Code of Conduct sets out six key Principles: Good Governance, Securing Quality, Conflicts of Interest, Transparency, Confidentiality, and Engagement (collectively, the “Principles”).
ICE is a signatory to the Code of Conduct and, as such has agreed to make available publicly, and to review at least annually (updating where appropriate), a statement explaining its approach to the implementation of the Code of Conduct (“Annual Statement of Application”).
This Annual Statement of Application (download here) sets out ICE’s approach to addressing each Principle.