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Portfolio Analytics

Analyze your holdings at a single security or portfolio level, with data, pricing and analytics for over ~3 million securities across asset classes, all backed by a track record of 40+ years. Coverage includes key fixed income products, a structured finance deal library of over 17,000 deals, equities, ETFs, and derivatives.

Get started with Portfolio Analytics

Delivery options to complement your workflow

Mortgage Solutions


  • ICE Portfolio Analytics provides a web-based solution for portfolio management, analysis, and risk oversight
  • Compare your portfolios to over 4,500 fixed income indices provided by the ICE BofA index family
  • Analyze proposed trades by using the Trade View functionality
  • Manage risk with the ability to shock over 30 government and swap yield curves at various tenors

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Universe & custom files

  • Get nightly analytics for an entire asset class using ICE evaluated pricing (Universe)
  • Or request analytics based on your securities of interest using your price/yield or ICE’s evaluated pricing (Custom)
  • Populate your data warehouse, EDM system and reporting platforms with our global fixed income analytics data
  • Offers easy integration with standard interfaces


  • Support bond swap analysis, web portals, internal platforms and more with on-demand, interactive access to fixed income analytics
  • Calculate analytics based on input price or yield
  • Supports custom terms and conditions for private securities
  • Shocked cash flows, analytics and returns


  • ICE XL Bond Analytics allows you to retrieve analytics measures from our fixed income analytics engine directly via your Excel spreadsheet

Software libraries

  • Analytics software libraries that can be integrated with your internal applications
  • Covers a variety of fixed income asset classes including corporates, municipals, agencies, sovereigns and more
  • Proprietary tax-neutral calculations for municipals