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Interest Rate Derivatives

We offer the largest marketplace for UK and European interest rates futures and options which includes Euribor, SONIA and Gilts, as well as SARON futures. Our global rate contracts span geographies, currencies and tenors, providing participants around the world with effective tools to manage risk in a capital efficient manner.

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Customers can trade products such as our highly liquid Euribor and SONIA futures and options contracts which reference their respective critical Benchmark rates. Three Month ESTR Indexed Futures is the latest addition to our alternative reference rate complex, offering finer price granularity and tighter spreads.


U.S. Residential Mortgage Rate Lock Index Futures

Government Bond Futures & Options

Short-Term Interest Rate Futures & Options

Swapnote Futures

U.S. Residential Mortgage Rate Lock Index Futures

Government Bond Futures & Options

Short-Term Interest Rate Futures & Options

Swapnote Futures

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