Will be published as soon as reasonably practical after 08:00 hours
(London time) on the next business day after the Last Trading Day.
EDSP Rate shall be the arithmetic average of the daily ESTR for the
delivery month:
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Ei = the ith ESTR of the Accrual Period, expressed in such a way
that for a rate of 1% per annum,
N = the total number of calendar days in the Accrual Period; and
for calendar days on which the ESTR is not computed (e.g.,
Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays) the rate shall be the rate
determined on the most recent business day for which a rate was
Where the EDSP Rate is not an exact multiple of 0.0001, it will be
rounded to the nearest 0.0001, or where the EDSP Rate is an exact
uneven multiple of 0.00005, to the nearest lower 0.0001 The EDSP
shall be determined as 100 minus the EDSP Rate, rounded as
described above