- Trading Screen Product Name
- Trading Screen Hub Name
- Contract Series
Four months in the March quarterly cycle (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Trading Hours
Electronic trading on Sundays from 6:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET on Monday;
Monday - Friday: 8:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET, except on Friday, when
trading closes at 5:00 PM ET and reopens at 6:00 PM ET Sunday
- Contract Symbol
- Contract Size
500,000 Turkish lira
- Price Quotation
Euros dollars per Turkish lira to five decimal places
- Minimum Price Fluctuation
For Block Trades, EFRP trades and screen traded calendar spread
trades: .00001 or 5 euro per contract.
For screen traded outright trades: .00005 or 25 euro per contract.
- Last Trading Day
10:16 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) on the second business day immediately
preceding the third Wednesday of the contract month
- Final Settlement
The settlement price for the expiring TRY/EUR futures contract is
determined using the spot rate disseminated at 10:16 AM Eastern
Time (ET) on the last day of trading.
- Settlement Method
Physical Delivery
- Block Trade Minimum
Information about Block Trades, including the Minimum Quantity, can be found
here.- Position Limit
Spot Month: 2,000 contracts (in effect for the last 5 trading
days); all other months, a position accountability level of 6,000
contracts across all contract months
- MIC Code
- Clearing Venues