.01 cent per lb., equivalent to $3.75 per contract
Strike Price Intervals
2.50 cents per lb./250 point increments
Exercise Procedure
American style. Exercise of a Weekly Option will result in creation
of a position in the underlying Coffee “C” future
Trading Hours
ETS: 3:30 am to 2:00 pm NY time
Floor: 8:00 am to 1:30 pm NY time
Expiration Date
Weekly Options expire on the Last Trading Day of the contract.
Last Trading Day
A specified Friday that is not also the last trade date of a
Regular or Serial monthly option contract. If such a Friday is the
last trade date of a monthly option, then the Weekly Option that
would expire on that Friday will not be listed for trading.
First Trading Day
Three Weekly Options will be listed at all times. A new Weekly
Option will be listed on the business day following the last trade
date of any Weekly Option.
Contract Symbol
KCW The Contract Symbol shown above will be used for weekly options listed on and after September 8, 2014. For information on the symbols used prior to that date please go to IFUS_Weekly_Options_FAQ.
Underlying Contract
The first listed future contract for which the Regular monthly
option on the future contract has not yet expired.