- Trading Screen Product Name
- Off-Peak Futures (1 MW)
- Trading Screen Hub Name
- PJM DAY DA Off-Peak
- Contract Symbol
- Settlement Method
Cash settlement
- Contract Size
1 MW
- Currency
- Minimum Price Fluctuation
The price quotation convention shall be One cent ($0.01) per MWh;
minimum price fluctuation may vary by trade type. Please see Table
in Resolution 1 to this Chapter 18.
- Listing Cycle
Up to 50 consecutive monthly contract periods, or as otherwise
determined by the Exchange
- Last Trading Day
The last Business Day of the Contract Period
- Final Settlement
Reference Price A
- a) Ref Price A - Description
"ELECTRICITY-PJM-DAY-DAY AHEAD" means that the price for a Pricing
Date will be that day's Specified Price per MWh of electricity for
delivery on the Delivery Date, stated in U.S. Dollars, published by
PJM at
under the headings "Daily Day-Ahead LMP: DAY" or any successor
headings, that reports prices effective on that Pricing Date.
- b) Ref Price A - Pricing Date
Each day that prices are reported for the Delivery Date
- c) Ref Price A - Specified Price
For each Monday through Friday, excluding NERC holidays, the
average of LMPs for all hours ending 0100-0700, 2400 EPT; for each
Saturday, Sunday, and NERC holiday, the average of LMPs for all
hours ending 0100-2400 EPT
- d) Ref Price A - Pricing calendar
- e) Ref Price A - Delivery Date
Contract Period
- Final Payment Date
The second Clearing Organization business day following the Last
Trading Day
- MIC Code
- Clearing Venues