- Trading Screen Product Name
- REC-CT Futures
- Trading Screen Hub Name
- Contract Symbol
- Settlement Method
Physical delivery
- Contract Size
100 MWh representing 100 Class 1 RECs
- Currency
- Minimum Price Fluctuation
The price quotation convention shall be One cent ($0.01) per MWh;
minimum price fluctuation may vary by trade type. Please see Table
in Resolution 1 to this Chapter 18.
- Listing Cycle
1. The Exchange may list monthly contracts in the Standard Cycle or
any other calendar month it determines for the current year and
forward for up to ten years.
2. The Standard Cycle is: January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August, September, October, November and December
- Last Trading Day
Three Business Days prior to the last Business Day of the delivery
The last weekday of December is not considered a Business Day,
unless otherwise determined and announced by the Exchange.
- Deliverable Instruments
Connecticut Class I RECs eligible for delivery are those
representing Class I renewable energy (defined in General Statutes
of Connecticut, Title 16, c. 277, §16-1(26)) eligible to meet
Class I requirement of the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard
promulgated under General Statutes of Connecticut (Title 16, c.
283, §16-245a) and issued by NEPOOL GIS having a vintage year
designation that corresponds to the specified vintage of the
expiring contract..
- Registry
- MIC Code
- Clearing Venues