The ICE Liquidity Indicators service provides an independent, near-term view of relative liquidity. The ability to exit a position at or near the current value, to help support risk management in connection with a variety of regulatory obligations.
This approach incorporates proprietary modeling techniques powered by ICE Data Services’ fixed income evaluations and reference data.
This approach is designed to determine liquidity buckets and days to liquidate metrics for instruments and securities within asset classes or other groupings that can be defined with a relatively homogenous liquidity profile.
Identify and manage security and portfolio liquidity risk.
Enhance investment decision-making process with liquidity as an input.
Gain a more complete view of your portfolios with a customized and flexible input framework.
Identify and manage security and portfolio liquidity risk.
Enhance investment decision-making process with liquidity as an input.
Gain a more complete view of your portfolios with a customized and flexible input framework.
Global Fixed Income
Global Equities and Exchange Traded Products (ETPs)
Global Equities & Exchange Traded Products (ETPs)