ICE Trading Participants have a subscription to the ICE trading platform. Users have additional entitlements such as the ability to place orders, execute trades, manage credit limits, and sync to an Excel spreadsheet for expanded use and flexibility of the live data.
ICE Data has a number of authorized distributors of data for our ICE Futures exchanges. These distributors offer varied services covering real-time, delayed and/or end-of-day pricing data, along with other third party data, analytical tools, news services and more.
Customers who are interested in displaying delayed ICE pricing data in the public environment including websites, electronic media and television broadcasts must contact ICE Data for approval.
An ICE Futures market data quote vendor is licensed to redistribute ICE Futures exchange data in various forms:
ICE Data has a number of authorized distributors of data for our ICE Futures exchanges. These distributors offer varied services covering real-time, delayed and/or end-of-day pricing data, along with other third party data, analytical tools, news services and more.
Permission to use ICE pricing data for the purpose of creating a derived object, either where the pricing data can or cannot be reverse engineered, is considered on a case-by-case basis.
The ICE Data End of Day (EOD) Reports contain unique and exclusive data sourced directly from the marketplace for trading participants. Information in the reports is obtained solely from trading activity on ICE. Absolutely no guesswork, subjectivity or assessments are involved. These reports are available via email and a secure downloads website with full report history available.
The ICE Data Market Price Validation (MPV) Service is a consensus-based price assessment providing validation of ‘non observable markets’ for forward over-the-counter (OTC) swaps, options and exotic products.
Important Disclosures
Fixed income evaluations, continuous evaluated pricing, end-of-day evaluations, evaluated curves, model-based curves, market sentiment scores, Size-Adjusted Pricing, and Fair Value Information Services related to securities are provided in the US through ICE Data Pricing & Reference Data, LLC and internationally through ICE Data Services entities in Europe and Asia Pacific. ICE Data Pricing & Reference Data, LLC is a registered investment adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Additional information about ICE Data Pricing & Reference Data, LLC is available on the SEC's website at A copy of ICE Data Pricing & Reference Data, LLC ’s Form ADV is available here or upon request.