Trader Identification FAQs
Information regarding the requirements for unique trader identification, and population of Authorized Trader IDs in ATMS.
Tag 1028 (“Manual Order Identifier”) FAQs
The FAQ provides general guidance on the Exchange’s FIX Tag 1028.
Advisory on Electronic Audit Trail Requirements
Guidance and information, including sample audit trail format, regarding the electronic audit trail requirements for ICE Futures U.S.
Reminder regarding the population of various data elements submitted in accordance with Exchange Rules, including Rules 4.15 and 4.19, and the importance of ensuring the accurate population of all required fields as provided in Exchange Rules.
Block Trade FAQs
Get the facts about block trades including things like eligible contracts, minimum threshold quantities, trading hours, reporting and execution procedures.
Exchange For Related Position (EFRP) FAQs
EFRPs include Exchange for Physical (EFP), Exchange for Swaps (EFS), Exchange for Risk (EFR) and Exchange of Options for Options (EOO). Take a look at our list of FAQs for EFRP.
Trade At Settlement (TAS) FAQs
TAS allows a trader to enter an order to buy or sell and eligible futures contract during the course of the trading day at a price equal to the settlement price for that contract or at a price up to five ticks above or below the settlement price.
Pre-Execution Communications FAQs
See the required permissions and restrictions for pre-execution communications, FAQs about the executions of orders resulting from pre-execution communication and how they can impact your account.
Self-Trade Prevention Functionality (STPF) FAQs
The new order-based STPF will reside within the ICE trading engine and provide various automated configurations to prevent self-trading of orders entered with the same STPF ID.
Legacy Self-Trade Prevention Functionality (STPF) FAQs
The Legacy STPF provides various automated configurations to prevent self-trading of orders entered by the same direct market access (DMA) firm or related DMA firms under the same authorized trader ID or the same account ID. This will be retired in 2024.
Disruptive Trading Practices FAQs
Find out what actions are considered disruptive trading practices, what factors could be considered in assessing a potential violation of the rule regarding disruptive practices and more.
Wash Sale FAQs
Get answers to frequently asked questions about wash sales such as what constitutes a wash sale, the impact of wash sales on paired orders and how to avoid violating the wash sale trading regulation.
Advisory on Duty to Supervise
Guidance on discharging the duty to supervise the Exchange-related activities of employees and agents.
Ag, Metal and Financial Products Position Limits
See the single-month, all-month and spot month position limits for products traded through this exchange. This information is provided in a downloadable Excel format to make it easy to save for future reference.
Energy Position Limits
See the single-month, all-month and spot month position limits for products traded through this exchange. This information is provided in a downloadable Excel format to make it easy to save for future reference.
IFUS Energy Position Limit Exemption Form
IFUS Energy Conditional Limit Form
Regular Trading Hours & LTD
See the regular trading hours and last trading day hours for futures and options contracts traded through this market. Unless otherwise noted, all times are listed in Eastern time.
Settlement Windows
See a list of the settlement windows by contract. Unless otherwise noted, all times are listed in Eastern time.
Reasonability Limits & NCRs
See a list of the reasonability limits, no cancellation ranges (NCR) and calendar spread stop limit order levels for futures and options contracts traded through this market.
Error Trade Policy
Read through our error trade policy to better understand the regulatory considerations around orders entered in error, the main components of the policy and how we use appropriate systems and controls to reduce the likelihood of a trade error occurring.
Interval Price Limits (IPL)
IPL functionality acts as a temporary circuit breaker feature on the electronic platform to diminish the likelihood and extent of short-term price spikes or aberrant market moves.
Energy Block Trade Requirements
See the block trade minimum requirements for energy products traded through this exchange. This information is provided in a downloadable Excel format to make it easy to save for future reference.
MSCI Index Derivatives – Contract Specs
Take a look at a comprehensive list of contract specs for all MSCI index derivatives traded through ICE Futures U.S. and ICE Futures Europe.
Order Quantity Limits
See a list of the minimum and maximum quantity lots for futures traded this exchange. This information is provided in a downloadable Excel format to make it easy to save for future reference.
Stop Limits On Calendar Spreads
Take a look at how stop limit and stop with protection order types work for calendar spread markets and find out how to validate order entry.
Minimum Price Fluctuation for Oil
See a list of minimum price fluctuations applicable to Oil Contracts.
Delivery Notice Information for Physically Settled FX and US Environmental Contracts is now available in the Report Center.