- Trading Screen Product Name
- RIN Futures
- Trading Screen Hub Name
- D3 V26
- Contract Symbol
- Settlement Method
Physical Delivered
- Contract Size
50,000 RINs
- Currency
US Dollars and cents
- Trading Price Quotation
One hundredth of one cent ($0.0001) per RIN
- Minimum Price Fluctuation
The price quotation convention shall be one hundredth of one cent
($0.0001) per RIN; minimum price fluctuation may vary by trade
- Listing Cycle
Up to 36 consecutive months.
The first contract month will be the January tenor of the vintage
year and the last contract month will be the February tenor of the
second year following the vintage year, unless the Exchange
determines otherwise.
- Last Trading Day
Three US business days prior to the last US business day of the
delivery month.
- Exchange Delivery Settlement Price
In respect of final settlement, the price will be a price in USD
and cents per RIN based on the Daily Settlement Price determined by
the Exchange on the Last Trading Day.
- Deliverable Instruments
The deliverable instruments are separated D3 Renewable
Identification Numbers (RINs) equal to the contract size delivered
through the EPA Moderated Transaction System, having a vintage
corresponding to the specified vintage of the Futures contract
("Eligible D3 RINs") that meet the following requirements.
Eligible D3 RINs must be:
1. Q RINs, as defined in 40 CFR § 80.141, verified by a
registered independent third-party auditor using a Quality
Assurance Plan (“QAP”) pursuant to 40 CFR 80.1469 and
audited under the requirements of 40 CFR 80.1472 by auditors
meeting the requirements set forth in 40 CFR 80.1471 and registered
under 40 CFR § 80.1450;
2. generated according to pathways pursuant to 40 CFR §
80.1426 Table 1: Applicable D Codes for Each Fuel Pathway for Use
in Generating RINs;
3. generated at a facility that meets the following criteria at the
time of delivery:
i. Registered pursuant to 40 CFR § 80.1450 and in good
standing with EPA;
ii. No history of EPA fraud-related enforcement actions.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Exchange reserves the right to
exclude any RINs from delivery at any time, if it determines in its
sole and absolute discretion, that it does not meet the above
- Delivery Period
Delivery shall be made in accordance with Part N.1 of the ICE Clear
Europe Delivery Procedures and the applicable provisions of
Exchange Rulebook Chapter 19, or as otherwise announced by the
Exchange and/or the Clearing Organization.
- Registry
EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS)
- MIC Code
- Clearing Venues