Wildfires, flooding, and increased insurance costs are driving integration of climate physical risk and transition risk into the assessment of portfolios and assets. Climate risks such as extreme weather events can impact the value of portfolios, while also serving as an additional input into identifying investment opportunities. ICE provides data and analytics that can help investors to quantify the impacts their portfolios and investments face from transition risks as well as physical climate risks posed by extreme weather events.
Reflecting our core focus on Fixed Income, ICE offers an array of climate metrics across several fixed income asset classes, including corporates, munis, sovereigns, MBS and more.
Physical climate data, scores and tools to manage climate risks and opportunities.
Transition climate data, scores and tools to manage climate risks and opportunities.
A range of datasets to help investors measure social factors and integrate social impact data.
Green, social, and sustainable bonds sourced from authoritative agencies and issuer documentation from our terms & conditions data service.
Data supporting the implementation of climate related regulation & frameworks including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), TaskForce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Data and the EU Green Taxonomy Data.
A range of fixed income sustainable benchmarks that account for ESG factors in addition to other criteria.
* ICE Data Indices in providing these Sustainability Indices is not intending to interpret or give guidelines on the EU Taxonomy disclosures nor the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable investments. Please refer to the methodology for each of the ICE Sustainability Indices for additional information: ESG indices, Green Bond indices and Carbon Reduction indices.
The climate related benchmarks are proposed indices and not currently live. Publication of any index is subject to completion of necessary regulatory and compliance processes.
Our data, analytics and geospatial intelligence platform enable the assessment and linkage of physical climate risk, climate transition risk and alternative data sets to fixed income securities and real estate assets. Our geospatial platform allows us to link these risks to a wide range of asset classes, including:
Our solutions help enable market participants to identify and quantify risk exposures and assist with strategy development. Our data can help asset managers and asset owners manage their portfolios, the risk they face, and devise appropriate investment strategies to create and protect value.
ICE's property-level climate risk metrics cover more than 100 million U.S. homes and can help improve transparency and risk understanding throughout the housing finance sector. With our dynamic geospatial intelligence platform, users can apply ICE's climate metrics to individual loans, properties, and entire portfolios.
Building on our recent acquisition of Black Knight to advance data solutions in real estate and mortgages, ICE is leveraging the combined insight across its mortgage and climate risk metrics and is integrating this insight into existing municipal bond and mortgage-backed securities products to help investors get enhanced transparency into climate-related exposures.
$1 trillion in sustainable bond issuance sets new annual record.
Larry Lawrence, head of sustainable finance group, ICE Climate, explains how market participants can use climate data to manage their risk profile in a fast-changing world.
Assessing municipal bond exposure to extreme weather events.
$1 trillion in sustainable bond issuance sets new annual record.
Larry Lawrence, head of sustainable finance group, ICE Climate, explains how market participants can use climate data to manage their risk profile in a fast-changing world.
Assessing municipal bond exposure to extreme weather events.