作為該基礎設施的一部分,ICE 新加坡期貨交易所向這個重要地區內的市場參與者提供安全、規範的期貨交易與清算服務。
ICE 新加坡期貨交易所為亞洲市場量身定制了一整套能源、外匯、股票衍生品及數字資產合約。它們可提供一系列對沖工具,幫助您在公司內部有效緩減風險,推動增長。
ICE is home to the Brent futures contract, which marks its 30th anniversary this year. We transformed global oil markets with electronic trading, and have since expanded our oil complex to more than 500 related contracts, as we work with customers to shape tomorrow's oil markets.
We work with the research team at Traddictiv® to provide analysis on the latest trends and developments in the bitcoin, FX, equity and energy markets.
ICE is home to the Brent futures contract, which marks its 30th anniversary this year. We transformed global oil markets with electronic trading, and have since expanded our oil complex to more than 500 related contracts, as we work with customers to shape tomorrow's oil markets.
We work with the research team at Traddictiv® to provide analysis on the latest trends and developments in the bitcoin, FX, equity and energy markets.